
?Explain the meaning of a shadow price and calculate the shadow price of qualified researcher time.?



Shadow price?

The shadow price is the extra contribution or profit that may?be earned if one more unit of a binding resource or limiting?factor becomes available.?

It can be used to inform managers of the maximum price?that should be paid for more of a scarce resource over and?above the basic rate. The shadow price of a constraint that is?not binding at the optimal solution is zero.?

Calculation of shadow prices?

At the optimal solution, A = 32.94 and B = 57.10??

Contribution = $54,507?

Qualified researchers?

(32.94 × 20) + (57.10 × 12) = 1,344 = availability?

The constraint is binding. If one more hour of labour was?available, the new optimal product mix would be at the?intersection of the lines:?

? ? ? ? ? ? ?20a + 12b = 1,345 (1)??

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8a + 15b = 1,120 (2)

?(2) × 2.5?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?20a + 37.5b = 2,800 (3)?

(3) – (1)?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? 25.5b = 1,455?? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? b = 57.06?

Substitute into (1)??

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 20a + 684.72 = 1,345??

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a = 33.01?

Contribution = (580 × 33.01) + (620 × 57.06) = $54,523?

The shadow price of one hour of qualified researcher's time?is the extra contribution generated which is $16.?


?Actual overheads cost $180,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?

Actual overheads cost $170,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?



Prepare profit statements for each period and for the two periods in total using both absorption costing?and marginal costing.?



Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Marginal costing?

Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Absorption costing?


