
給下列句子中需要的地方加上逗號(hào),如句中逗號(hào)是不必要的。請(qǐng)劃掉或換上合適的標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)。例句:Mary read the notice(,)and decided to ignore it.I.I saw table lamps and floor lamps at the home furnishings exhibition.2.By 2000 air pollution laws will be very strict.3.I heardMr.Lee closethe door butI did not hear him openit.4.We thought that we would receive the contract by July 31 and that we would complete the building by December 1.5.David wanted to finish the work before five o’clock but he could not do so because of the power failure.6.Beeause he has worked late every day this week he is determined to finish early on Friday.7.Mr.Scott selected either Friday July 10 or Friday July 17 for the sales meeting.8.She talked with Mrs.James Miss Evans and Mr.Bail before she made a decision.9.It is a dependable foolproof method.10.Yes I think I would like a new green car like that one.11.My cousin who graduated from the university last year has an exciting new job in Washington.12.Anyone who could pass that test deserves an A!13.I think that your answer is wrong.14.It was Jane’s father not her mother who visited her recently.15.The letter Was returned because it was addressed to Springfield Ohio instead of Springfield Illinois.16.We hope Mrs.Bell that you will continue to be one of our satisfied customers.17.The report that Mrs.Leslie submitted.has been lost.18.The beautiful,valuable,antique,ring was on display in the shop.19.Frank Stanley,HI,will replace his grandfather Frank Stanley Sr. as president of the company on June 1 1998.20.When I receive the statement I will pay for the shipment.21.We shall continue with the renovation of the house for we hope to offer it for sale within the next thirty days.22.The garden had been neglected for years and one could only imagine when it had last been tended.23.If I’m ever asked to choose a tree for fast growth and deep shade I’ll choose the evergreen elm.24.His cash crops included alfalfa barley wheat and rye.25.For their own use they raised chickens rabbits and ducks but they had no turkeys or geese.26.Because l had unaccountably lost my airplane ticket I had to purchase another before I could board the plane.27.When you enter the gallery you will see ahead of you at the end of the hall,Rembrandt’s portrait ofhis young son Titus.28.Jim Marshall was the first to stop at our house after the fire.29.We bought a large pillow for our dog Kahoota,she loves to lie on it in front of the fire.30.When I returned I discovered that Abigail our cat was eating the last of the hors d’oeuvres.



1.I saw table lamps and floor lamps at the home furnishings exhibition.

2.By 2000 air pollution laws will be very strict.

3.I heardMr.Lee closethe door.but I did not hear him openit

4.We thought that we would receive the contract by July 31 and that we would complete the building by December 1.

5.David wanted tofinish the work before five O’clock.but he could not do sobecause of the power failure.

6.Because he has worked late every day this week,he is demrminedto finish early on Friday.

7.Mr.SCOtt selected either Friday.July 10,or Friday,July 17,for the sales meeting.

8.She talked with Mrs James.Misa Evans.*and Mr.Ball before she made a decision.(*此處逗號(hào)可要可不要。)

9.It is a dependable.foolproof method

10.Yes,I think I would like a new green ear like that one.

11.My cotlsin,who graduated from the univerfity last year,has an exciting new job in Washington.

12.Anyone who could pass that test deserves an A!

13.I think that your answer is wrong.

14.It was Jane’S father,not her mother,who visited her recently.

15.The letter was returned because it was addressed to Springfield, Ohio,instead of Springfield,lllinois

16 We hope,Mrs.Bell,that you will continue to be one of our satistied customers

17.The report that Mrs Leslie submitted(不要逗號(hào))has been lost.

18 The beautiful,valuable,antique(不要逗號(hào))ring was on display

inthe shop.

19.Frank Stanley(不要逗號(hào))Ⅲ(不要逗號(hào))will replace his grandfather,F(xiàn)rank Stanley,Sr,as president of the company on June 1,1998

20.When I receive the statement I will pay for the shipment

21 We shall continue with the renovation 6f the house,for we hope to offer it for sale within the next thirty days.

22 The garden had been neglected for years and one could only imagine when it had last been tended

23.If I’m ever asked tO choose a tree for fast growth and deep shade, I’ll choose the evergreen elm

24.His cash crops included alfalfa,barley,wheat and rye.

25.For their own use,they raised chickens,rabbits and ducks,but they had nO turkeys or geese.

26 Because I had unaccountably last my airplane ticket.I had to purchase another before I could board the plane.

27 When you enter the gallery,you will see,ahead of you,at the end of the hall,Rembrandt’S protrait of his young son Titus

28 Jim Marshall was the first to stop at our house after the fire

29 We bought a large pillow for our dog,Kahoota,she loves to lie on itin front ofthefire

30.When I returned,I discovered that,Abigail,our eat,was eating the last of the hors d’oeuvres


將下列各題組合成完整而符合邏輯的句子。1.particularly those/doctors recommend/like reading,typing,or sewing/that/who spend many hour~everyone exercise everyday/doing sedentary work/2.training animals/more dangerous than/fnr instance/jobs/truck driving/there are/3.automobiles and computets|to export/such as/more and more/they have shifted/high—tech productd4.extended family/in most countries/are/such things as/out of date/5.from poverty/many great people/for example/in the world/Lincoln and Edison/have rise/

選用前面的條件句型組合句子。1.The company/advertise/overseas       It/be/more competitive/last year2.Employees/live/more than 10 kmfrom offlee     They/receive/travel allowance3.We/choose/Site B      The building/finish/by April4.Managing Director/resign/now     The company/benefit/immediatdy5.The company/pay/less commission    Profits/be/higher/last year6.We/mreceive/architects’plan     The buildlng/complete/ next month7.Employees/mwork/more than ten hours overtime    They/get/an extra day’s holiday8.He/be/Managing Director      The company/collapse9.There/be/fewer management staff      More work/do10.We/not build/rest room      The employees/strike

現(xiàn)選擇一合適的詞或短語(yǔ)把下面A和B兩部分連接起來(lái)。cause,be caused by,result from,result in,lead to          A                                          B1)Imprecise terms of reference               a)unsatisfactory report2)Low demand                                 b)expensive product3)The high level of leasing                  c)higher level of taxation4)Lack of interest in the new production plan d)low staff morale5)The Success of the report                    e)careful planning6)The unsuitable photocopy                     f)poor maintenance ofequipment service


用所給的詞、短語(yǔ)或句型將下列句子譯成英語(yǔ):1)你掌握的信息越全面準(zhǔn)確,你就越可能作出正確的決策。(the...the...)2)今年世界的鋼鐵產(chǎn)量比去年高出百分之十五。(higherthan...)3)他對(duì)別人的關(guān)心遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)勝過(guò)對(duì)自己的關(guān)心。(much more concerned about...than...)4)世界貿(mào)易組織與以前相比變得更為強(qiáng)大和有效了。(the World Trade Organization,more than...)5)在我們所接到的報(bào)盤(pán)中,你們的最沒(méi)有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力因而也是最不能接受的。(offers,theleast...,the most...)6)他的工作表現(xiàn)比我們公司的其他雇員好得多。(perform much better than...)


