
在下列句子的空格內(nèi)選擇并填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或短語。as well as,in addition to,furthermore,moreover,besides also, similarly1.My brother was taught to read by my mother,and_______,so was I.2._______advertising,the Marketing Manager is in charge of many other promotional activities.3.I was quite well thought of by the others,I tried_______to do my work to the best of my ability.4.Their full political rights,_______their economic conditions,must be safeguarded,5.being wrong your proposed action is_______unwise.6._______,he felt that on the subject of international trade he was not really an authority.



1)Similarly 2)In addition to 3)moreover

4)as well as 5)Besides,also 6)Furthermore


請(qǐng)看下面的條形圖并回答問題。1)Which country is most unsafe to in vestin?______2)Which country ranks immediately before Chile in countryrisk?______3)Which three countries have the same country—risk rating?______4)Which country is safest to invest In?______

從下面的詞匯表中選出合適的單詞和短語填進(jìn)短文中的空白里。Degree of movement:rapidly,swiftly,markedly,modestlyStopping movement:to bring to a haltRising movement:to rise,to climb,to increase,to growFalling movement:to fall,to drop,to dip,to descend,to slumpThe major trends in computer production are clear from the graph above.Production______steadily in all three countries between 1971 and 1972 but by 1973,production had already started to______intheUK.In contrast,outputintheUS______to reach a peak of 9.7 million in 1973.The financial crisis in 1974 led to a large______in output in all three countries,but especially in the US where it from 9.7 6.7 million in 1975,The downward trend was______to a halt in the US and Japan but production continued tO in the UK after 1975.In the US,produetion levelled oH at 9.2 million while in Japan,it______steadily so that in 1980 it actually overtook American output.In fact,after 1978 US production______in the following three years______2.9 million.

看下面的圖表,然后給句子中的空白填空。1.Except for______ all the airlines experienced an increase in their cost per seat—mile in 1996.2.The airline that had the highest cost per seat—mile is______.

用下面柱形圖中的信息完成下列句子。你可以從下列的詞和短語中選出合適的填入空格中。1.Sales of detergents were______higher in July and August.2.They were lower in December than in November.3.There was a______downward trend in laundry soap sales over the year.4.December sales were______half our January sales.5.In fact our December sales were______33 1/3%down on the June figure.6.Fabric softener sales grew______in the first three months.7.From April onwards,there was a——upward trend.8.By December they were______treble the January figure.9.Skincare products had a______slower rate of increase than labric softener sales.10.However sales improved______over the last three months.

看下面的圖表并回答問題,在空白中填進(jìn)數(shù)字。1)In 1978 how much was spent on small business computers?______2)In 1975 how much was spent on minicomputers?______3)What was the total U.S.shipment of computer systems in 1977?______4)What is the projection for small business computers in 19837 For minicomputers?For total U,S.shipments?______


