
根據下面的案例寫一份進展報告:Justia Perkins,owner of Perkins’Pharmacies,a regional chain of drug stores,is considering expanding operations to include your city.Your firm has 1been hired to analyze the competition and deterrnine the fea sibility of such a move Although the final recommendation will be made by your boss,you are in charge of conducting the study to deter mine the competition environment.You are responsible for submitting written reports designed to keep your boss informed of the status 0f the projeet.The following are the notes that you have assembled to date:* Received assignment 8/29* First competitive survey begun 9/1;determined the nature and scope of competition;statistical breakdown by size of operation (sales dollars),location,years in location,years in city,type of 0peration—chain,independent,discount* Completed first competitive survey 9/3;equivalent of two davs of my time--cost$400.* Conducted second survey to determine consunler Dreferences and perception regarding drugstores:products,hours,prices,Survey methods:sidewalk interviews,some in malls.door to door in selected neighborhoods Survey took three weeks9/2 through 9/ 22 including getting forms from printer.*Printing supplies/costs.$100.* Used ten college students from local college to conduct consumer survey at$50.00 each—cost$500* Anticipated parts of project:1)Analysis of competitive environment in two phases(1)Nature and scope of competition(2)In-depth study of store layout,merchandise lines,utilization of floor space,and advertiNng and promotions of major competitors2)Consumer preferences survey:tabulate and analyze results3)study to determine number and location of potential site(s)for opening Perkins’Pharmacies*Third competitive survey—tentative dates 10/2 through 10/23(maximum three weeks)* Finish running results of consumer survey on computer



To:The writer’s boss

From:The writer

Date:0ctober 25,1994

Subject:Progress Report on Survey of Competitive Environment for Perkins’Pharmacies

During the past month,I have performed an analysis of the nature and scope of the competition that would exist for Perkins’Pharmacies in this area and have completed a consumer preferences survev.These two studies provide part of the data necessary tO determine the feasibillty of Perkins’Pharmacies expanding into our area

The analysis of the scope and nature of the eompetition for Perkinsin this area was begun on September 1 and completed on September 3.This survey provides a statistical breakdown of the competition by size of operation in terms of sales dollars,type of operation—chain.independent,diseounl,location, years in location, and number of years in this area.This survey took two days to complete,including tabulations.Cost:$400

The survey to determine consumer preferences regarding drugstore prices,merchandise,hours,and the like was begun on September 2 and completed September 23.Two methods were used to survev consumers:sidewalk interviews conducted downtown and in the malls and door—to-door canvassing in selected neighborhoods This survey was conducted by ten students from the local college who were Daid $50 each.Cost:$500.Printing costs and supplies for canvassers totaled$100 Total cost for survey to date:$600.

The next phase of this project to be completed will be the analysis of local competition designed to determine store layout.utillzation 0f floor space,merchandise lines,and advertising and promotionaJ strategies of major competitors This survey is scheduled tO begin October 2 with anticipated completion on October 23.


將下列各題組合成完整而符合邏輯的句子。1.particularly those/doctors recommend/like reading,typing,or sewing/that/who spend many hour~everyone exercise everyday/doing sedentary work/2.training animals/more dangerous than/fnr instance/jobs/truck driving/there are/3.automobiles and computets|to export/such as/more and more/they have shifted/high—tech productd4.extended family/in most countries/are/such things as/out of date/5.from poverty/many great people/for example/in the world/Lincoln and Edison/have rise/

選用前面的條件句型組合句子。1.The company/advertise/overseas       It/be/more competitive/last year2.Employees/live/more than 10 kmfrom offlee     They/receive/travel allowance3.We/choose/Site B      The building/finish/by April4.Managing Director/resign/now     The company/benefit/immediatdy5.The company/pay/less commission    Profits/be/higher/last year6.We/mreceive/architects’plan     The buildlng/complete/ next month7.Employees/mwork/more than ten hours overtime    They/get/an extra day’s holiday8.He/be/Managing Director      The company/collapse9.There/be/fewer management staff      More work/do10.We/not build/rest room      The employees/strike

現(xiàn)選擇一合適的詞或短語把下面A和B兩部分連接起來。cause,be caused by,result from,result in,lead to          A                                          B1)Imprecise terms of reference               a)unsatisfactory report2)Low demand                                 b)expensive product3)The high level of leasing                  c)higher level of taxation4)Lack of interest in the new production plan d)low staff morale5)The Success of the report                    e)careful planning6)The unsuitable photocopy                     f)poor maintenance ofequipment service


用所給的詞、短語或句型將下列句子譯成英語:1)你掌握的信息越全面準確,你就越可能作出正確的決策。(the...the...)2)今年世界的鋼鐵產量比去年高出百分之十五。(higherthan...)3)他對別人的關心遠遠勝過對自己的關心。(much more concerned about...than...)4)世界貿易組織與以前相比變得更為強大和有效了。(the World Trade Organization,more than...)5)在我們所接到的報盤中,你們的最沒有競爭力因而也是最不能接受的。(offers,theleast...,the most...)6)他的工作表現(xiàn)比我們公司的其他雇員好得多。(perform much better than...)


