
?Comment on the positions shown by the charts and your calculations and discuss what other?factors management should consider before making a decision.?



The first chart shows a breakeven point of 15.55 million cans ($5.13m sales value) and a margin of?safety of 3.45 million cans ($1.14m sales value). Forecast profit for sales of 19 million cans is?$620,000.?

The second chart shows a breakeven point of 15.24 million cans ($5.64m sales value) and a?margin of safety of 3.76 million cans ($1.39m sales value). Forecast profit for sales of 19 million?cans is $790,000.?

Option 2 therefore results in a higher profit figure, as well as a lower breakeven point and increased?margin of safety. On this basis it is the better of the two options.?

Other factors which management should consider before making a decision??

(i) The supermarket chains may put the same pressure on margins and prices of the BD brand?as they do on the own label brands.?

(ii) Customers may realise that the BD brand is the same product as the own label brand and?may not be willing to pay the premium price.?

(iii) If the mix of sales can be changed in favour of the BD brand then profits will improve still?further.?


?Actual overheads cost $180,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?

Actual overheads cost $170,000 and 40,000 machine hours were worked.?



Prepare profit statements for each period and for the two periods in total using both absorption costing?and marginal costing.?



Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Marginal costing?

Prepare profit statements for each of the six-monthly periods, using the following methods of costing.?

Absorption costing?


