
根據(jù)所學的知識改寫下面這封推銷信:Dear Customer:  Will you please take a few seconds to go through this letter?It de scribes an excellent proposition we are sure you will not want t。miss.  We want you to be aware of the handbook PROFESSOR WINDOW95 which is a wonderful book we have teeently published and is worth your money.  This handbook is a masterpiece composed by SO many experts who have used the Word Processing System for so many years.It call be claimed that it is the superior ode It has got many questions and answers to typical problems caused in using systems.Once you have one,we are sure that all your problems will be over.What is more,both explanations in English and Chinese will offer you a perfect word processing whether you speak Chinese or English  The subscription price is only RMBY 17.89,iust about two dollars,which definitely COSTS nothing to you.  Enclosed is a subscription form Please return it with the number of the copies you need by the end of April.  Faithfully yours,




2)第二段的語氣則完全是以作者為中心的(We want you tO be aware…),聽起來有點居高臨下,盛氣凌人;另外,在介紹產(chǎn)品之前談及價錢問題也不太妥當。





Dear Customer:

Many of you own a computer at home or in the office,but not many of you are expert with it,You may sometimes come across technical problems that you are unable to solve by yourself.Therefore,you may often.say to yourself.“How I wish I had an expert with me all the time”or“On computing work.I wish I were better instructed whenever I have problems.”


The newly—published handbook PROFESSOR WINDOW 95 is the solution to your problem.It is your expert telling you how to use the machine and how to obtain the perfect performance in word processing system.

(上段提出了問題,這段直接進入正題:解決問題的方法,即使用PROFESSOR WINDOW95軟件系統(tǒng)能幫助解決所有的問題。)

The handbook is the work of a group of university professors of computer science and three experienced computer technicians.It is not an introductory textbook to you but a hand--on tutorial providing easyto—read application approaches.As many as two hundred questions and answers are provided tO solve your daily usage problems.The technological concepts and terms are explained with more than 100 photographs and illustrations in the 260一page handbook.You can read about keys in the book without calling at the technician’S office whenever you get lost in processing.What is more,the bilingual explanation will make the job easier for users either speaking Chinese or English.


To own the handbook,please fill in the ericlosed card as requested and return it as soon as possible.By sending the card before August 30,you will obtain a special discount of two percent at our introduetory stage·


Yours sincerely,


將下列各題組合成完整而符合邏輯的句子。1.particularly those/doctors recommend/like reading,typing,or sewing/that/who spend many hour~everyone exercise everyday/doing sedentary work/2.training animals/more dangerous than/fnr instance/jobs/truck driving/there are/3.automobiles and computets|to export/such as/more and more/they have shifted/high—tech productd4.extended family/in most countries/are/such things as/out of date/5.from poverty/many great people/for example/in the world/Lincoln and Edison/have rise/

選用前面的條件句型組合句子。1.The company/advertise/overseas       It/be/more competitive/last year2.Employees/live/more than 10 kmfrom offlee     They/receive/travel allowance3.We/choose/Site B      The building/finish/by April4.Managing Director/resign/now     The company/benefit/immediatdy5.The company/pay/less commission    Profits/be/higher/last year6.We/mreceive/architects’plan     The buildlng/complete/ next month7.Employees/mwork/more than ten hours overtime    They/get/an extra day’s holiday8.He/be/Managing Director      The company/collapse9.There/be/fewer management staff      More work/do10.We/not build/rest room      The employees/strike

現(xiàn)選擇一合適的詞或短語把下面A和B兩部分連接起來。cause,be caused by,result from,result in,lead to          A                                          B1)Imprecise terms of reference               a)unsatisfactory report2)Low demand                                 b)expensive product3)The high level of leasing                  c)higher level of taxation4)Lack of interest in the new production plan d)low staff morale5)The Success of the report                    e)careful planning6)The unsuitable photocopy                     f)poor maintenance ofequipment service


用所給的詞、短語或句型將下列句子譯成英語:1)你掌握的信息越全面準確,你就越可能作出正確的決策。(the...the...)2)今年世界的鋼鐵產(chǎn)量比去年高出百分之十五。(higherthan...)3)他對別人的關心遠遠勝過對自己的關心。(much more concerned about...than...)4)世界貿(mào)易組織與以前相比變得更為強大和有效了。(the World Trade Organization,more than...)5)在我們所接到的報盤中,你們的最沒有競爭力因而也是最不能接受的。(offers,theleast...,the most...)6)他的工作表現(xiàn)比我們公司的其他雇員好得多。(perform much better than...)


