篩選結(jié)果 共找出10

在下列句子的空格中填上合適的詞:1)No other product on the market is______cheap as ours.2)Two thirds of consumers prefer our newly developed products ______traditional ones.3)Both the price and the design are______important to our customers.4)There is no point in wasting money______radio commercials.5)One of the factors that we should take______consideration is the size of the market.6)Retail outlets all over the country are______encouraged to use this window display7)Our company will also enjoy excellent sales prospects______the American market next year.8) You can buy this new product from any nearby supermarket______shopping center

列出以下銀行服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)推銷信的要點(diǎn):We haye more branches around the country than any other bank.This makes it easier for you tO get your money,and means that you can have your account in the branch that is near to where you work or live.All our branches are open from 9:30 a.m.to 3:30 P.m,and Some are open until 5:00 pm..We will give you a free Cashcard,enabling you to get cash 24 hours a day,7 days a week,at around 4,000 Servicetills This is the largest 24 hour cash dispenser network in the country Yon can also use your Cashcard to order a statement of new cheque book,or check your current account balanceWe will provide you with a cheque book with which you can draw your monev from the bank.It also lets you pay bills or buy things without haying to carry,use,or send cash with all the risks and problems involved.If your earnings are paid directly into your account,you can applv for a Servicecard instead of a cashcard As well as working just Ilke a cashcard,a servicecard also acts as a Cheque Guarantee Card.up to a inaximum of£50 for each cheque.Additionally,your Servicecard allows you to pay direct for goods and services,without even writing a cheque,in a growing number of shops that display the“Switch”sign.To help you keep track of your finances,we will send you regular statemenLs listing all the payments made into and out of your account We will also give you a free statement holder SO you can keep your records safe and tidy Your bank account can save you time and trouble.You can arrange for the bank to pay regular bills for things like club subscriptions or insurance premiums from your account at the times you want--automaticallyWe can make buying your first car a lot easier We can give you a Car Loan Certificate as proof that you have the finance arranged,thus allowing you to look around and negotiate the best deal for the car you really want.

把下面這封推銷信翻譯成中文:Dear Reader:  For 52 years the Far Eastern Economic Review’s mission has beento provide you with the best information and insight on cvents and trends in Asia That mission remains unchanged  But this week we are introducing some changes in format intended tO make the magazine easier to use Our directory of eontents will now be the first editorial page in the magazine.Our cover story generally will be the first article in the magazine regardless of whether its content is political,economic,business,financial or social.  We will expand our Business Briefing and Regional Briefing to two pages each to give you a more comprehensive summary of major events in the region during the previous week.The Regional Briefing will preface the Regional section with the name of Politics&Economics.The Business Briefing will appear in its usual place at the end of the Business section Both sections will emphasize in—depth analysis of trends that affect business in Asia.  EditoriaLs will be relocated to the closing page of the magazine,giving them prominence and permanent positioning Letters to the Editor will appear on the preceding page,giving readers a more prominent outlet fnr their views.  We are confident these changes will make the Review more accessible and easier to use,while enabling our reports to focus even harder on breaking news and spotting trends Out goal is to provide insight and perspective that give readers knowledge,not just information As always we remain committed to the highest standards of fairness and accuracy in our reporting and editing We believe,with the improved format and easier use,you will enjoy our magazine ever more and,through you,more and more people will be added to the list of our readers.  Sincerely,  Nayan Chanda  Editor

把下列句子譯成英文:1)我們公司新投放市場(chǎng)的學(xué)生用包是選用上等塑料薄膜(fine quality vinyl plastic)制成的,它耐用、易洗、透明(transparent),而且方便學(xué)生放置(handy for)鉛筆、鋼筆、尺子、活頁(yè)紙、卡片和其他許多物品。2)穿上我們的新潮服裝(new—style dress),您會(huì)顯得無比瀟灑(absolutely smart)。3)您是否想試試電腦授話器(computerized speaker)的雙語(yǔ)(bilingual)服務(wù)呢?4)一定不要錯(cuò)過品嘗最美味罐頭食品(canned food)的大好機(jī)會(huì)!5)我們新牌子的浴袍(new brand bathrobes)是純棉(pure cotton)制品,選料考究,紡織和印花(weaving and printing)工藝細(xì)膩,款式美觀而新穎大方。

選擇最佳短語(yǔ)替代劃線的俚語(yǔ):1) We can describe the attack against our policies with one word“hogwash”.a)hogman b)slanderingc)nonsense d)c riticism2)Our engineers must learn to be less picky.a) hasty b)talkativeC)selective d)accurate3)At the meeting last week the reported resuits were lousya)unfavorable b)interestingc)correct d)inappropriate4)Sidney has been the hottest salespermn in our companya)newest b)worstc)warmest d)most successful5)Our new product is based on a really terrificconcenta)excellent b)ordinarvc)standard d)new

在下面這些句子中,前半句已經(jīng)給出,后半句只給出了關(guān)鍵詞,根據(jù)所給的關(guān)鍵詞續(xù)出后半個(gè)句子:1) The salespeople in a firm which produces pushchaim and prams···(expect/earn/birthratc/rise)2) If you are marketing a service,...(make/prospective customers/aware/the extent of your service/its benefits)3)The Sales Manager of a firm making hearing—aids···(encourage/by the news/the death rate/fall)4)As you havejust started tO shop with US,..(may/fully aware/all the services/our shopping center/offer)5)The Marketing Manager of a travel agency specializing in holidays inFranee...,(be pleased/hear/a reduction/airfares)6)Oil company executives would not welcome the news that..(a substantial increase/petrol tax/consider/the government)??font??

  根據(jù)下列要點(diǎn)寫一封關(guān)于空調(diào)的推銷信:  推銷信要點(diǎn)  1)產(chǎn)品測(cè)試表明,在夏天使用Glux牌空調(diào)能夠使辦公室工作人員的工作效率提高10%;  2)工作人員效率的提高意味著利潤(rùn)的增加,從而使成本能迅速收回;  3)產(chǎn)品的價(jià)格十分有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,比市場(chǎng)上的同類產(chǎn)品低5%  4)可以分期付款,期限為兩年;  5)可以電話聯(lián)系,我們將派技術(shù)人員上門安裝服務(wù)。

根據(jù)所學(xué)的知識(shí)改寫下面這封推銷信:Dear Customer:  Will you please take a few seconds to go through this letter?It de scribes an excellent proposition we are sure you will not want t。miss.  We want you to be aware of the handbook PROFESSOR WINDOW95 which is a wonderful book we have teeently published and is worth your money.  This handbook is a masterpiece composed by SO many experts who have used the Word Processing System for so many years.It call be claimed that it is the superior ode It has got many questions and answers to typical problems caused in using systems.Once you have one,we are sure that all your problems will be over.What is more,both explanations in English and Chinese will offer you a perfect word processing whether you speak Chinese or English  The subscription price is only RMBY 17.89,iust about two dollars,which definitely COSTS nothing to you.  Enclosed is a subscription form Please return it with the number of the copies you need by the end of April.  Faithfully yours,

選擇最佳的句子,使劃線的陳腐語(yǔ)變成合適的說法:1)The accountants’audit told the same old storya)The accountants’audit revealed a similar situationb)The accountants’audit sang the same old tunec)The accountants’audit included the new info mlation.2)The people in the personnel department are beating their heads against the wall.a)The people in the personnd department are making new decisions.b)The people in the personnel department are fighting with one another.c)The people in the personnel department are frustrated.3) When our competitors see this,they will realize we have a tiger by the tail.a)When our competitors see this,they will see that they need to get on the stick.b) When our competitors see this,they will realize our product is hard to matchc)When our competitors see this,they will be worried.4)We must beat them at their own game:price cutting·a)We must outdo them with their own tactic:price cutting·b)Wc must show them who’S boss by cutting prices.C)We must challenge them by price cutting.5) The research team reported they had gone up another blind alley.a)The research team reported a breakthroughb) The research team reported the results of another expensive experiment.c)The research team reported another unsuccessful experiment.

用下面所列的要點(diǎn)以及所給的短語(yǔ),寫一封推銷名稱為THEGLOBE周刊的信件:內(nèi)容要點(diǎn):1)a precious chance to know the world well2)special subscription for only$1.50 each while$3.25 at a newsagent’s or$2.85 at the regular subscription rate;3)value of the magazine itself:to follow what is going on in the world today;4)an objective,clear and lively style in writing;5)an urge to complete the enclosed form and the first two issues to be given as a gift,常用短語(yǔ)表達(dá)方法:an excellent chance t0 know THE GLOBEbring you news from all over the world every weekthis special offer brings you THE GLOBE for only$1.50 while the magazine costs...the longer you subscribe,the more you can savebut best of all is what you get for your money--value of the magazine itselfhow important for us to follow the events taking place around the worldget more OUt of THE GLOBE than other magazines of this kindoffer news in all areas of human concern and special reports for the more complex issuesan objective,clear and lively style that is always inviting to readmake sense to subscribe now before our special introductory rates are overduecomplete the enclosed form and send it to us in the prepaid addressed envelope providedsend you the first two issues as a free gift