篩選結(jié)果 共找出525

The costs of production runs consist of a mix of fixed and variable elements. The lowest number of?production runs during the year was 120 during February, the highest number 150 during October. If the?total costs of production runs in February were $80,000 and in October were $95,000, calculate the fixed?and variable cost elements.?

?List five limitations of learning curve theory.?

?It takes 60 hours to make the first unit of a product and a 95% learning curve applies. How long will it take?to make the second and third units??

Calculate the EV of revenue using the following information.?



Calculate the cumulative average time per batch for the first 26 batches of Product A (give your?answer to two d.p).?

?The total time for the first 16 batches of Product A was 2,500 hours. What was the actual learning?rate (closest to the nearest %)??

?What is the expected time to produce the 9th unit of Product B (give your answer to the nearest?hour)??

Which THREE of the following conditions are necessary for learning curve theory to apply??


?A relatively new product.?


?A manual, rather than mechanised production process.?


?A relatively complex production process.?


?Production in batches of equal size.?


?Constant labour wage rates.?

Which of the following statements is FALSE in relation to learning curve theory??


The learning curve theory states that the average time per unit produced is assumed to?decease by a constant percentage every time total output doubles?


?When a certain level of units have been produced the learning process comes to an end and?any extra units produced tend to take the same amount of time?


?The formula for the learning curve is Y = aX b where Y is the cumulative average time per?unit to produce X units, X is the cumulative number of units, a is the time taken for the first?unit of output, and b is the index of learning.?

?In which of the following production environments is the use of standard costs most appropriate??


?For mass produced products?


?In a JIT production environment?


?In a target costing environment?


?In a TQM production environment?