篩選結(jié)果 共找出162

用下面圖表中的信息完成下列句子。1.In February.sales increased………$80 0002.The following month.there was a further increase………$20 000.3.In April,they remained constant…………$100 000.4.Inthe nexttwomonths.they dropped…………$40 000.5.As a result ofthisfall,theywere back…………$60 000 in June.6.The next three months saw a steady rise…………$120 000 in September.7.This was followed by a dramatic fall…………$40 000 in October.8.Sales roseinDecembertofinishthe year…………$100 000.

看下面的柱形圖并填空回答問題。1)Between 1989 and 1992,Silk Shiny’s advertising budget decreased______but in 1993 it Dose______to$400 000.2)A______of Silky Shiny’S promotion budget in 1994 was spent on samples.3)There was a wild______in the budget for samples between 1991 and 1994.

看下面的圖表并完成下列句子。Legend:A=Systems analysts B=Programmers C=Computer and peripheral equipment operators D=Keypunch operators E=Computer service technicians1.In 1970,which computer occupation employed the most people?How many people?______2.Which computer occupation employed the most people in 1980?How many people?______3,In what year were the fewest programmers employed?______How many programmers?______4.Which computer field is projected to decrease in 1990?______5.Which computer occupation is prrojected to employ the most people in 1990?______6.Which computer occupation will employ 400 000 people in 1990?______

用下面圖表中的信息完成下列句子:1)As the graph shows.there was an …………………in sales.2)In January.sales…………………3)In February,sales…………………4、before they…………………5)There was a…………………6)then a…………………to7)a…………of 20 000 inMay.

把下面的描述性句子與正確的圖表搭配。1.Expenditure on Defence($bn)Eurostate’s expenditure Oil defence rose steadily over the ten—year period except in 1988 when it fell slightly.2.Consumer Prices(1980=100)Eurostate consumer prices increased sharply at the beginning of the 1980s.They levelled off slightly in 1986 and 1987,but rose sharply again at the end of the decade.3.Working Women as a Percentage of the Labour ForceThe number of working women in Eurostate fell steadily throughout the fifties and sixties,reaching a low point in the mid—seventies.4.Current Account Balance。(US$bn)Eurostate’S account balance began the decade in the red but moved into the black in the following year.5.Oil Imports($bn)Eurostate oil imports started the decade at a high level.They decreased sharply in 1983,and fell dramatically in 1986.In 1989 the trend reversed and they rose again.6.Gross Domestic Product(1980=100)Eurostate’S GDP rose steadily until 1987 When it fell slightly.It recovered in 1988 and increased steadily for the next four years.

根據(jù)下面餅圖中的信息回答下列問題:1)What percentage of income catne from outside the city?______2)Where doesthelargest amountofincome come from?______3)Onwhatismostoftheincome spent?______4)How much more is spent on education than on police protection?______5)How much more aid comes tO the city from the state than from local taxes?______

用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.This morning all the samples______(lay)on the floor for eomparison.2.When your account______(pay)in full,we will,send all your orders immediately.3.I'he faxes should______(file),not______(1eave)on the desk.14.______(Attach)to this letter you will find our new pamphlet______(show)the latest styles that can______(supply)5.I request that you______(advise)me of your plan at an early date.

假設(shè)你剛剛得知你一直與之做進(jìn)口生意的約翰·史密斯先生(Mr.John Smith)被提升為ABC貿(mào)易公司副總經(jīng)理(DeputyManaging Director)。代表進(jìn)口部給他寫一封信表示祝賀。

下面是一封感謝款待的信,請(qǐng)仔細(xì)閱讀并糾正其中的錯(cuò)誤(共有13處錯(cuò)誤)。Dear Mr Harrison:  I wish to express you our deepest appreciation for the warm hospitality you extended US during our visit in the US Every aspect of the visit went smooth and WaS excited experences.The accommodation and assistance provide by you and your colleagues were excellent The warm and friendship offered to my delegation was wonderful and reinforce my conviction and desire to continue to develop stronger tie between our two companies.  We are particularly grateful to all the time and effort you took to make our stay SO enjoyable,and will cherish the memories of our trip and the time we have together  Once again,our deepest thank and best wishes for success.  Sincerely yours,

在下列各句中都有一個(gè)詞被省略,請(qǐng)將它補(bǔ)上。1.Representative Mailer made more calls last month than any salesperson2.Don’t try to do everything yourself Make Sure that the subordinate is competent enough to carry the task.3.We should rush this order immediately and that one can be dealt later.4.This$120 table is aS good,if not better than,the$150 one.5.As the buyer is the Someone whom we have little knowledge.I suggest that we insist on cash payment.6.1 would like tO apply the position of account clerk with your company.7.The faxes have been sent and the letter of credit opened.